Increase your productivity

Engineered with precision in Germany. We help you to combine digital systems with your companies needs.

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From marketing across Apps to your production

1. Elevate yourMarketing

3D Renderings

3D files for your configurator

Choose the colors, angle, size and quality for the specific need of your picture. Within seconds you will have your picture to publish new products.


More secure representation through video animation

Highres Pictures

The rendering function that gives you all the outputs you need

Choose the colors, angle, size and quality for the specific need of your picture. Within seconds you will have your picture to publish new products.

2. Work with you clients


Use advanced analytics

Manage user

Manage how many apps an optician can have


Govern all your orders in a simple to use interface

3. Controll yourApp


Test content

You can test content in a safe environment before bringing it live. Therefore you can test it within a test group first, fix things and be sure everything is ready befor go live.


Manage App Content

You can control certain content like frames pictures, thumbnails and text directly from the CMS.

4. A powerful system

Content Management System

Manage 3D glasses

Take control of the 3D glasses with size, colors, lenses colors and descriptions. Decide which content is displayed where. Test your frames before getting it to the customers.

Content Management System

Automatic notification

Our system automaticly informs everyone within the process. With this the accounting teams gets informed in the same time the production team as soon as an individual order arrives.

5. Rethink Production


Production ready files

We developed the possibility to change production files automaticly based on the user data input from our apps. This mighty tool enhances the productivity and makes jump from virtual try-on into the production.

Get in touch to get a free demo and offer

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